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The e-commerce.

install problem please help!!


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can someone help me what's this message means?i been try many time........>"<...........


Database Import


The following error has occurred:


SQL file does not exist: /install/oscommerce.sql



do u guys have same problem like me?

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You are probably using a Windows server. If they were people they wouldn't be able to find their own way home in the dark.


You need to edit install/templates/pages/install_3.php and change this:


$sql_file = $dir_fs_www_root . 'install/oscommerce.sql';


to something like this (replace /var/www/html/ with your own root pathway):


$sql_file = '/var/www/html/install/oscommerce.sql';



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Anyone seen this error before? When I try to search a product in the catalog search field, it gives this error:


0 &&' if ((field_size > 0 && field_value == '') || field_value.length < field_size) { error_message = error_message + "* " + message + "\n"; error = true; } } } function check_radio(field_name, message) { var isChecked = false; if (form.elements[field_name] && (form.elements[field_name].type != "hidden")) { var radio = form.elements[field_name]; for (var i=0; i< field_size) { error_message = error_message + "* " + message_1 + "\n"; error = true; } else if (password != confirmation) { error_message = error_message + "* " + message_2 + "\n"; error = true; } } } function check_password_new(field_name_1, field_name_2, field_name_3, field_size, message_1, messa


Any help would be appreciated, thanks.



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It is bad forum etiquette to jump into someone else's thread - especially when your own query has nothing to do with the original thread.





Okay, thanks for answering the post without helping - one would interpret that as bad form as well... I tried to start a topic but it said no permission.


p.s. I searched the forums extensively to try to find a forum to post it in... Since you have sooo many posts, perhaps you can enlighten me. Where should I post it? What is the error, I simple cannot troubleshoot it. Help is always a good solution to a wrongfully placed post, any idiot can offer a slap on the wrist.



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