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Installation Error...


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Hey everyone,

I just tried to install OSCommerce and it's giving me an error when I go to the install folder (FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!). I checked the .htaccess file and everything looks right. Any idea's?




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Hey everyone,

I just tried to install OSCommerce and it's giving me an error when I go to the install folder (FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!). I checked the .htaccess file and everything looks right. Any idea's?





Hi, you have to set register_globals to on. Look for the string 'register_globals' in your php.ini file and un-comment it by removing the ';' at the begining of the line. Save the change (always take a backup of php.ini before changing) and then you will have to restart your server. Hope this helps. Good luck

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If this is a local install (Intranet as opposed to Internet) then you will have access to your php.ini file and can edit it so that it reads Register Globals on.


If this is an online install on a shared server then you may have access to a local php.ini folder which you can edit - but many people won't have access to a local php.ini file. In which case put this code in a .htaccess file in the root of your web:

php_flag register_globals on


This only works on Apache servers, because Windows servers don't recognise .htaccess files.


If you're on a Windows server and have no access to php.ini then you'll need to install the Register Globals Path Files (link below my name).



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