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"Item's Purchased" In Paypal Payment?


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Whenever a customer purchase's an item from me (I use paypal only), I get the paypal email telling me how much they sent me, but I do not get a list of any sort of what they purchased. Is there anyway to get this to add into there message automatically? Its a pain emailing everyone back asking them what they purchased. Thanks!

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Whenever a customer purchase's an item from me (I use paypal only), I get the paypal email telling me how much they sent me, but I do not get a list of any sort of what they purchased. Is there anyway to get this to add into there message automatically? Its a pain emailing everyone back asking them what they purchased. Thanks!



Check your customer orders built into the software.

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I get the same problem too but i dont understand what njnightsky said by

Check your customer orders built into the software.




can you please give a little more detail?


Thank you


Are the orders showing up in your admin?? If so look at them and then you know. If not then you have a different problem and installing the ipn module is a good fix and really is better than using the default paypal module anyway.

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Are the orders showing up in your admin?? If so look at them and then you know. If not then you have a different problem and installing the ipn module is a good fix and really is better than using the default paypal module anyway.



thx for your advice just one more question.. what is Ipn? and where can i find it =)?

thank you


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I get the same problem too but i dont understand what njnightsky said by

Check your customer orders built into the software.




can you please give a little more detail?


Thank you



Appears that you are using the default Paypal module that comes with Oscommerce box.


In this case if the customer does not return from paypal to your site after making payment your order table will not get populated.So set the Autoreturn on in your paypal setting.


The second otion is to use Paypal IPN contribution by oscommerce team.


Satish Mantri

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where do you find the auto return to site selection at?



Well Autoreturn settin is a setting on your paypal account.

SO you need to go to your paypal account and do the setting.

Its return URLshould be to success.php( osc page )




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i have found the autoreturn works MOST of the time, but there are still a few orders that never make it to get logged.


in order to surpass the risk and looking like an unprofessional weiner emailing people and asking what they ordered, i've installed the following contributions to ensure, one way or the other... the order is logged!



held orders: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...rch,held+orders

(complete time saver!)


recover cart sales: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1688 very useful outside of just skimming for paypal carts

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