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images, infopages, and size


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How do I post different images on different infopages?

I've got a "Privacy and Security", a "Guarantee", etc, and different images for each, but not sure where to plug them in.


How do I change the size of the image (that should be in the header section) on the info page?

I changed the stock image that came with the cart (actually I've deleted it for now) but can't seem to change the size when I try and load an image in there.



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I would like to add to this question. My images are all of different sizes. I have a book store and so the images are of book covers. In most instances, I have a set width for the image, but the height is variable. Is there any way that I can disable the set height function to accommodate the varied sizes? Sorry if this is a very basic question - I am a newbie at the stumble fumble stage.





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