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Is it possible to change the osCsid?


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Is it possible the change the session variable "osCsid" that is added when the browser can't create cookie to something else? like index.php?osCsid=etcetcetc to something like index.php?shop=etcetcetc


I will really appreciate your help.


do you have any contributions that duplicate the oscsid? if so, when you modify it (i believe it's entry is in application_top.php) you will need to modify those entries as well.


i was able to successfully modify my oscsid to something else without any trouble :)


So are you saying that only changing the entry in application_top.php will change the oscid of everything?


What will be a sample of a contrib that would require oscid change?


i think chemo's page cache duplicates the oscsid. when i initially changed my oscsid i had to change the entry in the addon page his cache uses too.


there's no way i can guess what other contributions could duplicate it, your best bet would be to open all of your files in a good html editor that searches every file at once (i use cutehtml to do this.. you can get a trial version from globalscape.com) and do a search in all open documents for "oscsid"


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