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I attempted to comment out the What's New box, using the directions found in the documentation.


I simply added the two slashes, then uploaded the file. Immediately my entire catalog page was gone. "View source" shows there is simply nothing there.


I uploaded the saved backup version, which I had downloaded a few hours ago straight from here: http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads


With that backup version now uploaded, I still see absolutely nothing on the catalog page. It's just gone. I'm wondering if the catalog/index.php file I used from the osCommerce site does not jive with the version of the software I have installed on my server or something? Maybe my old file, now gone, was not the same as this new one?


In fact, every single thing in the catalog directory is gone. I can't get into admin anymore. It's all just completely blank.


How did I wipe out an entire directory but simply uploading a backed up file? The directories are all still visible via FTP ... but by typing in a URL, you just see blank, blank, more blank pages.

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You made some simple error. Recheck your work, you'll figure it out.

Local: Mac OS X 10.5.8 - Apache 2.2/php 5.3.0/MySQL 5.4.10 • Web Servers: Linux

Tools: BBEdit, Coda, Versions (Subversion), Sequel Pro (db management)

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They just weren't communicating correctly - the new index.php file and the rest of the files on the server. Or maybe it had something to do with the version of PHP on the server, I do not know, because I am a capital N Noobie.


Anyhow, I gave in and re-installed. Only lost a little bit, haven't been at this very long.


Thank you for your help, I'm sorry to be pretty clueless thus far!

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Hi there - I'm hoping someone is reading this thread consisting of mostly me yapping away ...


I reloaded osCommerce last night, made the changes to the header, footer, side bars again. It looked beautiful. So I went to bed.


This morning, guess what? Blank. All blank. Again.


Please help!

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