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The e-commerce.

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My Webpage


I have had this site live for over a year and it has evolved to where I think I am finally happy. I still need to tweak some of the product pages, and find the rest of those dadgum cartoon images that come up here and there, but I think I like it. I also just installed the About Paypal Box contrib (I wrote the contrib -- it was my first and I based it on the instant messenger contrib, tweaking it). The only thing I couldn't figure out was how to make the page open in a smaller box (instead of a whole full page). The javascript wasn't working so I took it out.


Any and all feedback greatly appreciated. This is a live shop, so no test orders please. :D



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great page, i really like the design, but in order to be even better try to use images with same size (some contribution or jasc image robot should do the work) and it wouldn't take too much time.


use Center Shop contribution - this would open page with the width you want (e.g. 1100 pixles) http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,266


keep on the good work

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I like the shop but ..... a couple of things.


http://www.jerisigns.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/index.php is going to be hard to get indexed by the SE's as it is way down in subdirectories. For max SEO it should be http://www.jerisigns.com/ and that is where your shop should be.


You also need to get rid of "directory listing", just do a Google search. I can't remember if it is your control panel or .htaccess that does it. But it needs to be done.


Also I put something in my cart and then went back to your main site by clicking links and I lost the contents of my cart when browsing the non osC part of the site.


It would be easy to integrate your other content into your shop, I don't know why you didn't do it. Either in info pages, popups, or on the product pages.



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great page, i really like the design, but in order to be even better try to use images with same size (some contribution or jasc image robot should do the work) and it wouldn't take too much time.


use Center Shop contribution - this would open page with the width you want (e.g. 1100 pixles) http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,266


keep on the good work


Thanks for that input! I want to use the OTF thumbnailer and have it on my list of things to upgrade, so maybe that will fix the image problems? I have been reading the "read me" file about it and don't know if I am quite up to the task of installing it yet. I will also check into the center shop contrib. :D


I like the shop but ..... a couple of things.


http://www.jerisigns.com/ecommerce/os/catalog/index.php is going to be hard to get indexed by the SE's as it is way down in subdirectories. For max SEO it should be http://www.jerisigns.com/ and that is where your shop should be.


I am working my way up to doing that...the website started out as just a one page site with two signs on it with paypal buttons beside them. Then I added more and more pages of info/products all still using paypal buttons. Then I got the cart installed and didn't want to give up the rest of the site, so the catalog was buried way down the tree and that's why the long URL. You are right that it needs to be moved up.


Also I put something in my cart and then went back to your main site by clicking links and I lost the contents of my cart when browsing the non osC part of the site.


Wow! I didn't know that could happen and I am so glad I posted here so that I found out!!


It would be easy to integrate your other content into your shop, I don't know why you didn't do it. Either in info pages, popups, or on the product pages.


Thanks for that suggestion -- I think it's the best solution to the whole dilemma I imagined having with giving up the info pages of the main site by moving my catalog to the top. I am having a "Doh!" moment :blink: as I wonder "why didn't I think of that???"


Great input and the info I have gleaned just from your two posts has been invaluable. THANKS! Now to find the time to implement the changes. Gotta go make signs. :D

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You also need to get rid of "directory listing", just do a Google search. I can't remember if it is your control panel or .htaccess that does it. But it needs to be done.


Okay, I just saw this in your comments...and I have no clue what you are talking about. :blush: But I am a quick study and more than willing to learn from you osc gurus, so can you 'splain? :blink:



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Okay, I just saw this in your comments...and I have no clue what you are talking about. blush.gif But I am a quick study and more than willing to learn from you osc gurus, so can you 'splain? blink.gif


Pm'd it

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