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Missing CSS file making it look bad? Dreamhost issue?


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I have 2 sites that are running osCommerce that i have not touched in over a month. This past week, I looked at one of the sites to show as an example to a new client, and the page(s) look terrible.


It looks like they can't find a CSS file or something. Here is what i am talking about.



Obviously, it is not supposed to look like this. It is supposed to look very similar to the non-osc part of the site.



Has anyone else that might happen to be a dreamhost customer had a problem with this?


I have the same issue on 2 different osc running sites, so that makes me think its not just an issue of me misplacing a file. I am hosting at Dreamhost in case


Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out here.



william donnell

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The two pages are using two different stylesheets. The first one is using what would seem to be a standard osC stylesheet named stylesheet.css. The second is using one named botbyl.css. It would probably help if they both used the same one.


I also notice that your https page is using a self-issued SSL certificate. This may be fine for testing, but don't even think of taking your store live with it.

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Well, i am using 1 stylesheet for all the pages that are on the site but have nothing to do with OSC. Then I am using the other stylesheet for the osc pages. Makes it less confusing for me.


But no idea why it can't find the css file or use it correctly?




william donnell

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