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About Choices & Territories


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Hello Everyone!

This question possibly concerns product attributes, but I'm not certain, so here goes:


We have "x" suppliers of almost identical products (We'll start with 2 suppliers for now).


The "major" supplier likely carries a few more products than the "minor" supplier.


The "minor" supplier likely carries a couple of related products not carried by the "major" supplier.


Suppliers cover a "territory", and respect the territory of competitors.


Most buyers already know which supplier serves their territory.


1) How do we list the products so purchasers can select the supplier serving their territory?

2) How do we allow a "tourist" to purchase the same product from both suppliers, should they want to?


We don't want to make a duplicate store for this if at all possible. Is this only a product attribute challenge?

If so, or if not, what is the solution recommended? :thumbsup:


Thanks in advance!


Doctor Mason, World's #1 "Temporary Webmaster"

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