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The e-commerce.

Problem with new customer


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Hi, I'm a newbie with this PHP/MySQL thing. Got a problem with a oscommerce. Problem is that a after clicking Continue button on a Create Account page (I filled all required fields) I got a blank page instead a Create Account Success page. In the address bar in browser is still a create_account.php address. Problem is that the account is really created but there is only a blank page left on screen. Can anyone help? Why does not take me to the Create Account Success page?


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Check the contents of the root level create_account_success.php page against the includes/languages/<your language>/create_account_success.php page. They should be different files with different coding in them.



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Thanks Vger for reply, but those files are totaly diffrent. One is about 3,8 KB, and the other is 952B. I would appreciate any help because I'm newbie (acctualy I'm a network administrator in a company, but my PHP and coding generaly sucks). Any other ideas? Any clues?

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  • 2 months later...

I had the same problem. The problem for me was that there was a extra space before the <?php in the create_account_success.php file. After I got rid of it php worked perfectly.

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