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Protx Direct v2.22


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guys got a weired issue..


i just reinstalled protx direct. i set the Transaction Mode to Server IP Test. then i placed the ip i got in to protx admin.I set the subnet mask to is this right).


i did a test visa delta transactiona nd it went through , .When i use meastro i get nothing blacnk screen.


when i do a debug i get this.


Request URL=https://ukvps.protx.com/vspgateway/service/vspdirect-register.vsp

Data string sent=VPSProtocol=2.22&TxType=DEFERRED& (bit editted)

Protx response=VPSProtocol=2.22


StatusDetail=2007 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD and PaReq.


MD=(bit edited )


PAReq= (bit edited)

Response array=Array


[VPSProtocol] => 2.22

[status] => 3DAUTH

[statusDetail] => 2007 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD and PaReq.

[3DSecureStatus] => OK

[MD] => (bit edited)

[ACSURL] => https://www.securesuite.co.uk/rbs/tdsecure/...it_nw&VAA=B

[PAReq] => (bit edited)





bit edited is the stuff i removed for secutiry reason.the last bit curl_error is what it says.there is nothing after dat.


No popup. iam using sts, and chemo seo contrib.


just found out about this today. i dont have a meastro card and couldnt test it till today

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That debug is normal - when the module receives that response it should then display the iframe with 3D-secure window.


Can you confirm which version you have installed?



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Yes. As this has nothing to do with Protx Direct try posting it in a more suitable forum and thread.




Are you being serious?


I posted it in this "forum" as this issue effects anyone using the protx direct payment module and therefore thought I might get some helpful comments

Edited by future1
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That debug is normal - when the module receives that response it should then display the iframe with 3D-secure window.


Can you confirm which version you have installed?





thanks for replying


i am using verion 4.4


i used a visa card on the same order and it went through.when iclick on the order in the admin side..i see loads of small windows saying this

20070823205442 DEFERRED 11.9900 3DAUTH 2007 : Please redirect your customer to the ACSURL, passing the MD and PaReq. OK Abort / Release


and these entries are blank


AVS/CV2 Check Address Check Postcode Check CV2 Check


i also notice when i try to abort the visa transaction i get this 2015 : The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request



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i am attaching a pic to clarify what i said above regarding what i see when i click on order in admin.the first entries are made by meastro card but i didnt get no popup window, just a screen with sts place holder code and jpegs.


the last entry is made by the a mastercard and it went okay.


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I'm sorry, but I've been back over your post and I still don't see what it has to do with Protx Direct or any other payment module:

hello everybody,


we have had feedback from users who want to know the order total (inc shipping costs) before inputing card details. Thinking about this I guess an enhanced shopping cart info box would do the job...any suggestions?



Are you being serious?


I posted it in this "forum" as this issue effects anyone using the protx direct payment module and therefore thought I might get some helpful comments

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@nafri - the mastercard worked because it didn't use 3D-Secure. The module is receiving the request for 3D-Secure for the maestro but is obviously not working at that point. When using the maestro card for payment after you click"Confirm" on checkout_confirmation what happens - what do you see?


If you edit protx_process.php near the top you will see

$use_iframe = true;

- change to

$use_iframe = false;

and try again with the maesto.



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@nafri - the mastercard worked because it didn't use 3D-Secure. The module is receiving the request for 3D-Secure for the maestro but is obviously not working at that point. When using the maestro card for payment after you click"Confirm" on checkout_confirmation what happens - what do you see?


If you edit protx_process.php near the top you will see

$use_iframe = true;

- change to

$use_iframe = false;

and try again with the maesto.





hi tom

many thanks for getting back to me.


i have set iframe to off and now i get the the 3d secure page in the same window. this is url it goes to https://www.securesuite.co.uk/rbs/tdsecure/...it_nw&VAA=B. At least now i know i installed the contrib right.Any way of getting the popup to show up.




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good to know it's working without the iframe.


Just a little point - you shouldn't be expecting a popup - it should be an iframe window set on a plain background with your store's header.


It may have something to do with you having STS installed - I haven't tested it against that.



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good to know it's working without the iframe.


Just a little point - you shouldn't be expecting a popup - it should be an iframe window set on a plain background with your store's header.


It may have something to do with you having STS installed - I haven't tested it against that.




Hi tom


thanks for helping out


i have one more question. at he moment i am using 3d secure for meastro only. if i enabled 3dsecure for other cards,. will i still be able to accept cards that are not in 3d secure system.


When i was using protx form , if a card was in 3secure customer would get a popup and if it wasnt then he wont .Can i setup the similar system with protx direct.




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If you enable 3D-Secure for all cards then when a non-3D-Secure card is used it will simply go straight to checkout_success without displaying the extra 3D-Secure page.



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If you enable 3D-Secure for all cards then when a non-3D-Secure card is used it will simply go straight to checkout_success without displaying the extra 3D-Secure page.






thanks tom for all your help





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I wrote a while back about the problems I was having Authorising a transaction from the admin area, and how the session was lost..


I've installed the latest protx module ,and unfortunately, I'm still having the same problems. Having put the protx module into debug, when I go to the admin area and authorise a transaction, the output is as follows:-


Request URL=https://ukvpstest.protx.com/vspgateway/service/authorise.vsp

Data string sent=VPSProtocol=2.22&TxType=AUTHORISE&Vendor=my_vendor&VendorTxCode=6-30414682979552092023785077089283&Amount=504.99&Description=Authorise+via+osC+admin+area&RelatedVPSTxId={4214EE33-BB56-F25F-517A-1D5AA123205A}&RelatedVendorTxCode=6-51040599751080367767467310000060&RelatedSecurityKey=RWATE2BFOF

Protx response=



Going to the VSP Admin area, the transaction appears unchanged, still waiting to be authorised.


Any help would be much appreciated.



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Presumably if you are trying to authorise the transaction in admin the catalog side of the protx module works fine?


The debug you've posted is fine except for the fact that there is no response from the protx server!


If it is working on the catalog side I'm really not sure why the admin side isn't working as thae part of the code that communicates with protx is the same.


If you set the module to "Server IP Test" and try to authorise from the admin area does this produce anything? IF so could you post/PM those details.



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Presumably if you are trying to authorise the transaction in admin the catalog side of the protx module works fine?


The debug you've posted is fine except for the fact that there is no response from the protx server!


If it is working on the catalog side I'm really not sure why the admin side isn't working as thae part of the code that communicates with protx is the same.


If you set the module to "Server IP Test" and try to authorise from the admin area does this produce anything? IF so could you post/PM those details.


Yes, the protx module works fine catalog side. All purchases made appear in the VSPAdmin page. Having followed your instructions, the result I get is:-



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if you open your admin/orders_protx.php file and find:


$disable_curl_ssl_check = false;	// Set to true (no quotes)
		// if you are having problems connecting to the protx servers


Change the false to true and try again.



Edited by perfectpassion
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if you open your admin/orders_protx.php file and find:


$disable_curl_ssl_check = false;	// Set to true (no quotes)
		// if you are having problems connecting to the protx servers


Change the false to true and try again.




Thanks Tom, that did the trick. The only minor annoyance now is that i'm forced to log in every time I authorise a transaction in the admin area !.

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I've just has a customer complain that we've taken their money but they got no order confirmation and no order logged when they login. I've checked and yes, the money has been taken, the transaction was successful, but that particular customer is showing that they have not placed any orders.


Here is the info from the protx table for that order and the subsequent one... any ideas?


2137 7112 22118 22118-209xxxxxx PAYMENT 333.9800 {6668D45B-3725-4424-9AF4-xxxxxxxxxxx} OK 0000 : The Authorisation was Successful. 54644116 W4CBEQWTKL SECURITY CODE MATCH ONLY NOTCHECKED NOTCHECKED MATCHED NOTCHECKED   2007-08-28 00:31:43 
2141 7114 22118 22118-137xxxxxx PAYMENT 31.4700 {BF950912-C7BF-C228-F32E-xxxxxxxxx} OK 0000 : The Authorisation was Successful. 54655735 WIO7SKCTOB ALL MATCH MATCHED MATCHED MATCHED OK jO0qQwC+yVA8ABEAABO2QXICbgo= 2007-08-28 08:26:55


The only difference between the one recorded in OSC and the inital one which wasn't is that there was no value recorded in the CAVV section of the table.



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@blackmogu - i'm not sure why it's logging you out of your admin - is this the RC1 login or a different mod - I've tested it with the RC1 an not had any problems and the code correctly adds session ids where needed.


@stubbsy - I've not seen that happen before - looking at the database entry the CAVV is missing - that is becuase 3Dsecure wasn't performed for that transaction ("NOTCHECKED"). When 3D-Secure isn't attempted the code just stored the transaction in the database an immediately redirects to checkout_process.php to store the order - it seems that this didn't happen for an unknown reason. Please keep an eye on this and if any more transactions happen please let me know with any info you have.



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@blackmogu - i'm not sure why it's logging you out of your admin - is this the RC1 login or a different mod - I've tested it with the RC1 an not had any problems and the code correctly adds session ids where needed.




Yes, this is RC1 with the latest protx module, though if you recall I had the same problem before... this is the only part of the system that seems to lose the session.. and I'm stuck for ideas on how to go about nailing the problem.

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Hi Folks, and thanks Tom for making this Contribution.


My site is in test mode at the moment and I’m having a problem in testing the 3D Secure feature. Everything works ok when I’m not using 3D Secure.


When it’s enabled I get as far as the frame and enter “password” for the pass. If enter nothing it says it need a password. If I enter anything else I get this:




My site is in English btw.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I haven't come across this before. Using an online translator gives "missing or invalid large parameters". The only place I can think this error is being generated is by your server.


I did a quick google and the only thing I could find was a link to another osC thread - the person concerned was using a different module and the error was generated due to security settings on their host's server.


It may be worth contacting your host to ask them about the German error - please do let us know when you get a response.



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Thanks for the responses, they prompted me to have a look at the source code of the iframe when i'm entering the details for 3D Secure.


The strange thing i noticed is the form field "amount" appears twice. Once for my vendor name and once for the amount. Please see below.





<form action="/mpitools/accesscontroler;jsessionid=995678149412A160216A29C3A2C537B1?action=auth" method="post">


<div align="left"> </div>


<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0" width="400" align="center">



<td valign="top" width="40%">Vendor</td>

<td valign="top"><input name="amount" value="AudioImages" size="30" readonly></td>



<td valign="top" width="40%">Purchase Amount</td>

<td valign="top"><input name="amount" value="29.99 GBP" size="30" readonly></td>



<td valign="top" width="40%">Date</td>

<td valign="top"><input name="date" value="Wed Sep 05 10:01:23 BST 2007" size="30" readonly></td>



<td valign="top" width="40%">Pan</td>

<td valign="top"><input name="pand" value="xxxxxxxxxx0006" size="30"></td>



<td valign="top" width="40%">Password<br>


<td valign="top"><input name="password" type='password' value="" size="30"></td>



<td valign="top"><br>


<td valign="top"><br>

<input type="submit"></td>






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that source is the same as what I get when testing but it works ok for me.


The contents of the iframe is controlled by Protx - perhaps try sending them the details to [email protected] (include all the info you posted here).


Have you tried using the Protx simulator - does it work ok with that - if so then it implied a problem with the test server. I don't believe it's a problem with the module.



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