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Error in SQL Syntax


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Hi, I have this error when I click on 'product attributes' in admin

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS' at line 1


select * from products_options where language_id = '1' order by products_options_id LIMIT 0, MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS











Warning: Division by zero in /home/qeanrknr/public_html/estore/admin/products_attributes.php on line 283


I really need help! PLEASE HELP!



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By The way I tried to change the product attributed file to a fesh one, from a fresh untouched version of osCommerce, but nothing I have tried has worked...


this constant MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS should be defined somewhere (if you wish to use it) in your configuration tables or via a file define with define('MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS',20);

Treasurer MFC

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this constant MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS should be defined somewhere (if you wish to use it) in your configuration tables or via a file define with define('MAX_ROW_LISTS_OPTIONS',20);


I am a true novice, I dont really understand that.


I have delete the whole database and a set up another, but still is comin up with that error. Please help as this is a LIVE STORE and I cant offer new products at the moment.



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It cannot be a 'LIVE' store if you have a new and blank database without any products in it.


That entry exists in two files admin/products_attributes.php and admin/includes/languages/yourlanguage/products_attributes.php - and in the database. Either your database has not installed correctly, or else the files have not been installed correctly or are corrupted.


It is not the only error, because you also have this:




And this indicates that those files are either not installed correctly (in the right place) or were corrupted during the upload to your website.



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It cannot be a 'LIVE' store if you have a new and blank database without any products in it.


That entry exists in two files admin/products_attributes.php and admin/includes/languages/yourlanguage/products_attributes.php - and in the database. Either your database has not installed correctly, or else the files have not been installed correctly or are corrupted.


It is not the only error, because you also have this:

And this indicates that those files are either not installed correctly (in the right place) or were corrupted during the upload to your website.




Right firstly thankyou so much for your help... can you believe it was the language file... now all errors have gone! Secondly it is a live store, I loaded a new database into my existing store keeping the store database.


Thanks again

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had this same error, the cause of the problem for me was that the directories for the language files (i.e. admin/includes/languages/english/products_attributes.php) didn't have the correct permissions on them. Once that was fixed it was no longer a problem. Don't forget to fix the permission problems for the other languages and thier subdirectories.


I also found the reason for incorrect permissions was because I had the wrong umask setting for the ftp deamon on the server. Fixing that should solve the problem for any future files and directories which are uploaded to the server.

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