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Problem with database.php


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The error you'll be able to see on my homepage here.. www.onlyfantasy.com


I think that this error is being caused because i changed the database.php file whilst trying to set up links manager v 1.00 for osc 2.2 MS2. HOWEVER when i put this error on the links manager thread they say that it is not related to links manager, so somewhere along the line i've changed/done something (whilst trying to get links manager working) which has caused the rest of the site to stop functioning.


I have an idea that the problem is something to do with the file database.php however after that i'm completely lost, basically what i tried to do was... the file /includes/functions/database.php i tried to change..


function tep_db_connect($server = DB_SERVER, $username = DB_SERVER_USERNAME, $password =

DB_SERVER_PASSWORD, $database = DB_DATABASE, $link = 'db_link') {

global $$link;


by putting in the values for my particular database, that didn't work and so i downloaded a blank fresh version of the file database.php and replaced it from the oscommerce2.2 ms2 zip file over into my site, uploaded that thinking that it would in effect "reset" the problem


Unfortunately the problem still remains and hence i'm running out of ideas since the file is still causing trouble, previous to this i'd only installed SEOURL latest version and was in the process of installing Links Manager 1.00 could i have maybe overwritten something important that these modules needed when i installed a fresh copy of database.php then again to the best of my knowlege i've never actually had to edit this file before?


My site is www.onlyfantasy.com to view the error


Thanks in advance


Tom Lowes

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This error happens most often when you upload a "code" over the top of a language file. For example, have you recently uploaded catalog/index.php over the top of catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php ?


It's an easy mistake to make.



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i've tried looking for the file which is causing the errors without any success at all, i can't find any instances where a file is called more than once. It is really annoying, i think i'm just going to overwrite from the backup and have to put all the contributions back on again :-"

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