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UPS Rate changes


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Hey all, I just got the following letter from a client useing oscommerce


Dear UPS Customer,


To help you plan for the coming year, want to give you advance notice

of new UPS services and rates will take effect January 2, 2006.


UPS published Daily Rates* will changes as follows: Commercial Ground

will increase 3.9% and UPS Air and International Services will increase

5.5%. (*The net impact of these changes on your shipping costs will

vary according to your shipping characteristics and the terms of your

agreement with UPS.)


In addition, we are recalibrating our Air and Int'l fuel surcharge

index downward by 2%. UPS remains the only express package delivery

company with an air fuel surcharge cap, passing along significant

savings to our customers. As fuel prices decline and the fuel surcharge

calculation falls below the 12.5% cap, customers will see even greater

savings as a result of the lowered index. UPS's air fuel surcharge is

the lowest among major express carriers. By comparison, our competitors

are applying fuel surcharges of 20% or more.


Adjustments will be made to accessorial charges in 2006. The

residential surcharge for UPS will increase by $0.25. The residential

surcharge for UPS Air Services and UPS 3 Day Select will increase by

$0.35. The Additional Handling charge and the charge for Collect on

Delivery service will increase by $1 per package.


[The key paragraph and place for info seems to be this one.]

On Dec. 1, 2005, you may view all Daily Rates and accessorial charges

for 2006 at dailyrates.ups.com. Updated service and rate information,

as well as downloadable copy of the 2006 UPS Rate and Service Guide

will be available on ups.com on January 2, 2006.




My question is, what changes do I need to make to the ups module that comes standard with oscommerce if any, or is there an updated package for this. Sory but I seem to be one big dummy when it comes to these things, good at admin stuff but haven't played with oscommerce enough to feal comfortable makeing changes without some guidance.




Jerry M. Howell II

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I would expect that if your shipping calculator retrieves it's rates from ups in real time (I think most/all of them do), then your site already reflects the new rates and you don't have to do anything.


You can do a quick check yourself though. Place an order on your site (you need not complete it, just go far enough to see the shipping rates), then get the shipping cost from ups.com and compare the two. Assuming you have the same options (residential/commercial delivery, drop off or pickup, etc.) then they should be the same.



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