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Create Account Invalid Email?


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For some reason my create account page won't accept any e-mails??? Not sure why? I had the store online for some time while I was setting everythign up and now I tried to create an account and it won't accept any emails in the email field?


Anyone had any problems like this? I have installed a clean MS2.2 create_account.php and validations.php and still nothing?


ANy ideas?


Thanks in advance!

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This is weird. All of the other OsCs I have done work fine I have never experienced this problem before???


I have that issues before and I found out that my email provider wont accept any email from my shop. You better change your email. Try to signup at yahoo,msn,hotmail,gmail for sure they will work. One more thing please do setup your email option to use SMTP.



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It's not about sending e-mail from the shop. It's when a customer wants to register for an account. Create_account.php just won't accept any e-mails you put in the e-mail field??!?!?!



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It's not about sending e-mail from the shop. It's when a customer wants to register for an account. Create_account.php just won't accept any e-mails you put in the e-mail field??!?!?!




check pmb

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What error do you get? I'm still new to this and wading my way thru osC, but I remember seeing some code that validated the email address and raised various errors. This might help you narrow down the problem. Also, try commenting out the validation code to see if it's really failing on validation or elsewhere.




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Thank you all for helping!


I did locate the problem.


There was a missing file /includes/tld.txt that needed to be there to list the types of domains that are accepted. Crazy eh? Something so small that takes a bit of time to troubleshoot to dig up!


Thanks again!

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