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Customizing product_listing.php file?


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Hi, I have recently installed osc and have been having a great time making it suit my needs. I've been browsing the forums and am very glad to see a very active and supporting community :)


So hopefully I can get some insight on my dilemma... I installed STS and it skinned pretty much every page and that's worked out fine, except for one thing: the product_listing.php page. It is currently the stock product listing page. I want to change the look and feel of that page (I still haven't fully decided in what way though) to perhaps a 3 column layout with like,


- product name -

- product picture -

- price -

- buy now button -


in each column. I've been staring that product_listing.php source for awhile and can't find a decent way to achieve this. I understand that it calls the function tableBox from classes/boxes.php but changing code in that function would affect every other table on the website. I am completely unfamiliar with PHP, my first contact with PHP was through Mambo, and now osc.


Other threads suggested finding a contrib to change the product_listing.php but when I searched for it, it didn't return anything fruitful. Is there a simpler way to change the table structure? Would it be possible for me to point product_listing.php to another tableBox function (e.g tableBoxListing or something) that would have a diff table layout?


Thank you all for your help in advance, I really hate asking, I like finding the answer myself, but I've gone through the forums many times to no avail on this particular topic. Thank you again.



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