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The e-commerce.

extended "specials" functionality


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I am thinking about trying to integrate osc with an existing cms application. Having had a quick look at the basic installation and scanned around in these forums there does not seem to be support for anything other than overriding the existing price of a product.


I need to be able to cover the following scenarios -


Special - buy m X get n Y @ p % off (where m and n are quantities, and X and Y are product/category ids)

Buy one get one free (buy 1 X get 1 X @ 100 % off)

3 for the price of 2 (buy 2 X get 1 X @ 100 % off)

Free gift (buy n X get 1 Y @ 100 % off)

Discounts (buy n X get p % off)


I have seen some simplified versions of these individually but nothing that combines all of these. Any thoughts on how or where to start will be gratefully received. I have implemented this functionality before in a bespoke shop app that I wrote but I cannot see how I might be able to implement this within osc.





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