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The e-commerce.

TurboCash, PHP P.O.S., Stone Edge feedback??


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I was wondering if anyone is using any of the above softwares on their oscommerce sites??


I am looking for a point of sale software for my website. I don't know if any of these have the functionality that I'm looking for, so I wanted to get some feedback from anyone using any of the above.


I basically want point of sales software that will allow me to barcode scan the product and it will create the invoice and print it out based on the customer who bought the product first.


For example, if a customer bought the default "A Bug's Life" DVD on December 1st, and someone else placed an order on December 13th. When I go and scan "A Bug's Life" DVD it will bring up the customer who ordered the DVD on December 1st.


Does anybody know if this is possible by using one of the softwares from above??



Thank you for your help,



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