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order doesnt remove from cart after payment & doesnt show up anywhere


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Two rather strange but (I guess) related problems in my site.

I have recently integrated it with 2checkout.com and have updates the call back page for success. Order goes through fine and payment is made but even after the customer click on complete order on 2checkout page and is forwared to checkout_success.php on my site the items doesnt get removed from the shopping cart.

Also, no order information is updated in the database anywhere. And of course customer doesnt get email for orders.

I understand that there is no debuggin information attached with my post but I guess I must be doing something wrong because I haven't noticed anyone else reporting same problem.

Anyone outthere with a possible solution?

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Two rather strange but (I guess) related problems in my site.

I have recently integrated it with 2checkout.com and have updates the call back page for success. Order goes through fine and payment is made but even after the customer click on complete order on 2checkout page and is forwared to checkout_success.php on my site the items doesnt get removed from the shopping cart.

Also, no order information is updated in the database anywhere. And of course customer doesnt get email for orders.

I understand that there is no debuggin information attached with my post but I guess I must be doing something wrong because I haven't noticed anyone else reporting same problem.

Anyone outthere with a possible solution?


I added a product with name test in catalogue with 50p price ;) and added it in cart went on 2checkout payment page payed and removed the product thinking its gone fine. Then actualy deleted the product from the catalogue. :) And for some reason osCommerce didn't like it. Today just added another product with same name and price value and did stuff all over again but didn't delete the product (of course) and it went fine. Just to let others know :D

any comments? :)

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I added a product with name test in catalogue with 50p price ;) and added it in cart went on 2checkout payment page payed and removed the product thinking its gone fine. Then actualy deleted the product from the catalogue. :) And for some reason osCommerce didn't like it. Today just added another product with same name and price value and did stuff all over again but didn't delete the product (of course) and it went fine. Just to let others know :D

any comments? :)


I haven't used 2checkout.com so I am not sure if this is the problem, but this happens on worldpay if the callback page is not being found after the money has been processed. You normally have to enter the location of the callback page with worldpay. I can only think that something like this is happening as i had the same problems with worldpay.

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