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HELP!! Customer Login Broke Sometime After 12/29/05


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We've been working since late last night trying to figure out what would cause this. Sometime after 12/29/05, after a very busy Holiday Season of web purchases with no serious issues, the customer sign-in function went belly up. When you go to sign in as an existing customer, it just returns you back to the sign in page without doing anything. PLEASE - we are stuck in the mud without this function because we use separate customer pricing 4.1.1 to satisfy our retail, distributors and wholesale customers and it doesn't work without the sign-in function... Any ideas would be helpful - even if they aren't right they may stir our thoughts on this...

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This will happen if it's unable to create a session. There could be a configuration problem with cookies, or perhaps, if your install is configured to store sessions in files, a problem with the PHP on the server.


The way I would diagnose this is to verify that I was assigned a session and kept it as I moved around the store. (Cart stays intact, etc.) Then try to log in - does the cart still show intact? If not, you lost the session. This is more likely to happen on a switch from http to https if you have errors in the configuration.


I tried the store in your profile and it seems to work ok as far as keeping the session - at least for me. I didn't try logging in.

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Have you got your site back working? If so, what was the cause?


Yes, It does appear to be fixed. THANK GOODNESS! We had accidently uploaded some files with <body> coding in them that didn't need that... not really sure how that works, but it seems to be ok now, so I can only assume that is what it was. We did work with our server company too, so it could be something they did at the end the year, fixed quietly, and wouldn't admit to?? Not sure.

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