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Shipping Modules not showing up


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I am trying to install a shipping module, I followed the instructions and uploaded files where they needed to be, but when I went to the shipping modules page in the admin section, none of the modules are showing up. I had osCommerce set up locally, and it is working on my machine, this problem started when I uploaded it to my hosting server. I thought it must be an error with the configure.php, an incorrect path- but I have made sure this path is correct, and even tried a few different paths to see if i would get lucky, but didn't, what else could be causing this?


Thanks for your help!



The Next Wave

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Is the contrib working on your local server?



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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Admin >> Modules >> Shipping parses the catalog/includes/modules/shipping directory and lists modules that are found there.


If the files do exist there on your server, then it's possible that those files were uploaded in binary mode from your PC, preserving the DOS-style line termination instead of auto-converting them (most decent FTP clients do this) to UNIX mode.



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Yes, the Contribution is working fine locally, There's a good chance I had uploaded them in Binary- so i re-uploaded and made sure I was in ASCII mode, but it didn't help, thanks for the suggestions..


any other ideas?



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Now that I look at it, none of the modules are showing up, Shipping, Payment, and Order Total are all empty in the admin panel.. Which seems to point to the paths in the config file being wrong, once again. But I'm positive they are right!

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When you re-uploaded in ascii, did you 1st delete the files that were there or you uploaded over it? It's best to delete 1st.



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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  • 1 year later...

I am having the same problem.. none of the shipping modules are showing up... It just says


Module Directory: /home/www/My_store/includes/modules/payment/

Module Directory: /home/www/My_store/includes/modules/shipping/


on the admin pages...


Any ideas?

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  • 2 months later...

Yep same issue here too.


My service provider updated to PHP5 and surprise my OSrc1 version stopped allowing me to login to the admin console. I then installed OS ms2.2 and there is no secure login, so I solved that problem, now I can't install the modules and get the same problem below. I am positive that it has something to do with PHP5.


I hope there is a solution...I am still looking. I have tried a number of posts on the site without success. My configure.php file is correct, my modules.pho will was modified as in a previous post etc etc









I am having the same problem.. none of the shipping modules are showing up... It just says


Module Directory: /home/www/My_store/includes/modules/payment/

Module Directory: /home/www/My_store/includes/modules/shipping/


on the admin pages...


Any ideas?

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  • 3 months later...
is this something the host can fix on their end? i have installed oscommerce 9 times now and the modules section still says the same as all of you had. I'm running php 4.4.4

For starters you could remove the @ in line 112 in admin/modules.php:

if ($dir = @dir($module_directory)) {

That surpresses error messages, something you don't want at this stage.


I recall a member who had a similar problem. It turned out the host had set safe_mode and the dir function could not be used to read the directory <_<

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For starters you could remove the @ in line 112 in admin/modules.php:

if ($dir = @dir($module_directory)) {

That surpresses error messages, something you don't want at this stage.


I recall a member who had a similar problem. It turned out the host had set safe_mode and the dir function could not be used to read the directory <_<


I am also having this same problem, I also have an issue when I click on the "catalog" option in the menu, it cannot find the "images" directory. Jan, your suggestion regarding the host setting "safe_mode" sounds very logical, as I had tested my implementation 100% on my local testing server, only to find these aren't working since uploading onto the live server.


I removed the @ in line 112 of admin/modules.php and it now shows a more detailed error


Warning: dir(
name>/catalog/includes/modules/payment/) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: not implemented in /catalog/admin/modules.php on line 112


My live server is administered by a third party company, what should I be asking them to change regarding the "safe_mode" setting? Sorry for my vague question, I don't know much about Unix/Linux web servers.

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what should I be asking them to change regarding the "safe_mode" setting? Sorry for my vague question, I don't know much about Unix/Linux web servers.


Is the "safe_mode" a setting in their php.ini ? I've just run a phpinfo() on my test server and the live server and found the following lines in the output, exactly the same for both test and live


Configuration - PHP Core


Directive | Local Value | Master Value

safe_mode | Off | Off

safe_mode_exec_dir | no value | no value

safe_mode_gid | Off | Off

safe_mode_include_dir | no value | no value


PHP Version

Test Server : PHP 5.2.0

Live Server : PHP 4.4.8


Is it possible that it's just a PHP version issue? It would be very annoying if that is the case. I can't see the hosting administrators wanting to upgrade their PHP version to 5.2.0

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Ok, I've fixed it !!!!


On the live server I went into the Admin page, then into Tools > Server Info.


I searched for "DOCUMENT_ROOT" then copy and pasted the value for that field into


admin/configure.php and added the catalog directory onto the end of it.


define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/www/public_html/catalog/');


This fixed both the images folder issue and the modules issue. I have tested installing/removing modules and it's all working ok.


I have noticed I am getting an error for the Backup directory not existing, it does exist, and it's listed correctly in the configure.php, but I'm too tired to try and fix it now.

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Is the "safe_mode" a setting in their php.ini ? I've just run a phpinfo() on my test server and the live server and found the following lines in the output, exactly the same for both test and live


Configuration - PHP Core


Directive | Local Value | Master Value

safe_mode | Off | Off

Safe mode is off but this is not correct:

Warning: dir(http://www.<domain name>/catalog/includes/modules/payment/) [function.dir]: failed to open dir: not implemented in /catalog/admin/modules.php on line 112

I checked admin/includes/configure.php and I think it boils down to this define not being correct:

  define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', $DOCUMENT_ROOT); // where your pages are located on the server. if $DOCUMENT_ROOT doesnt suit you, replace with your local path. (eg, /usr/local/apache/htdocs)

You could try:


There should no http://www.etcetera in there, the FS refers to: Filesystem (physical) not the WebServer url's.


You found it yourself I see now. The backup directory will also throw an error when it is not writable for the webserver. Best to rename the backups directory to something not so easily guessable (and change it in the yourenamedtheadmindirectoryihope/includes/configure.php).

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ok, I've fixed it !!!!


On the live server I went into the Admin page, then into Tools > Server Info.


I searched for "DOCUMENT_ROOT" then copy and pasted the value for that field into


admin/configure.php and added the catalog directory onto the end of it.


define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/www/public_html/catalog/');


This fixed both the images folder issue and the modules issue. I have tested installing/removing modules and it's all working ok.


I have noticed I am getting an error for the Backup directory not existing, it does exist, and it's listed correctly in the configure.php, but I'm too tired to try and fix it now.


This fix helped me so much that I registered here to tell you how much you've helped. I love these forums! I would never have been able to install authorize.net or paypal or even a UPS shipping module without this fix.


I am constantly amazed at how helpful people are here.

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  • 3 months later...
Ok, I've fixed it !!!!


On the live server I went into the Admin page, then into Tools > Server Info.


I searched for "DOCUMENT_ROOT" then copy and pasted the value for that field into


admin/configure.php and added the catalog directory onto the end of it.


define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/www/public_html/catalog/');


This fixed both the images folder issue and the modules issue. I have tested installing/removing modules and it's all working ok.


I have noticed I am getting an error for the Backup directory not existing, it does exist, and it's listed correctly in the configure.php, but I'm too tired to try and fix it now.


*EDIT- duh! I just added the DOCUMENT_ROOT path to the DIR_FS_ADMIN line and... well, that solved the backups issue.


Hey - I had the same issue... and this fix resolved my dilemma as well. I too am having the trouble with the backups folder, did you ever resolve this too?

Edited by oneshotenter
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  • 5 weeks later...
Ok, I've fixed it !!!!


On the live server I went into the Admin page, then into Tools > Server Info.


I searched for "DOCUMENT_ROOT" then copy and pasted the value for that field into


admin/configure.php and added the catalog directory onto the end of it.


define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/www/public_html/catalog/');


This fixed both the images folder issue and the modules issue. I have tested installing/removing modules and it's all working ok.


I have noticed I am getting an error for the Backup directory not existing, it does exist, and it's listed correctly in the configure.php, but I'm too tired to try and fix it now.



Thanks.....I got the same issue for admin modules didn't display ...

but it worked when I changed DIR_FS_CATALOG value in admin/includes/configure.php as specified above

Thanks again....

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I just want to add that this post helped me out. I have been battling with missing modules after a server move, and everything looked legitimate. After studying this post I went back to my configure file and found a missing "/" that should have been in front of "home/xxxxx/public_html"

I am now working again


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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...
Ok, I've fixed it !!!!


On the live server I went into the Admin page, then into Tools > Server Info.


I searched for "DOCUMENT_ROOT" then copy and pasted the value for that field into


admin/configure.php and added the catalog directory onto the end of it.


define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home2/www/public_html/catalog/');


This fixed both the images folder issue and the modules issue. I have tested installing/removing modules and it's all working ok.


I have noticed I am getting an error for the Backup directory not existing, it does exist, and it's listed correctly in the configure.php, but I'm too tired to try and fix it now.


I actually had to register for this forum just to thank you. I've been trying absolutely everything for the past 2 days to try and fix this problem, and your solution is the one that worked. Obviously you wrote this about 18 months ago and will probably never see this, but I had to thank you anyway.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I really screwed up. I am trying to make a new add on or modify my programs for a shipping problem I have. I copied my files from my hosting company back to my local machine that I do my coding and testing on. I over wrote the configure.php files. I have spent 2 days trying to get it to work and I have gotten the admin to work again. However there is no shipping, order total or payment options in the configuration panel. After searching this forum I have found this thread and one other that I thought would help. However they don't. What is happening is that the values in the configuration table keeps getting overwritten by one of the modules. I suspect it is the modules.php file. The files are there but they don't show up.


here is my admin/configure.php file



// define our webserver variables

// FS = Filesystem (physical)

// WS = Webserver (virtual)

define('HTTP_SERVER', ''); // eg, http://localhost or - https://localhost should not be NULL for productive servers

define('HTTPS_SERVER', ''); // eg, http://localhost or - https://localhost should not be NULL for productive servers

define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', '');


define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', '1'); // secure webserver for catalog module

define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', ''); // where your pages are located on the server.

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', 'admin/');

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', 'admin/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', 'secure/store/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');

define('DIR_WS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', '../includes/languages/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/languages/');

//define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'images/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES', 'images/'); // modified by dcs

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/modules/');

define('DIR_FS_BACKUP', DIR_FS_ADMIN . 'backups/');

Edited by ffl
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