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Moving boxes to opposite side


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WOW I have spent the better part of the day reading through this thread, and it has helped a lot! Thank you Nick and everyone else who has contributed!


Now onto my question. I would like to take the information box and move that to the right side of the page instead of it following below the categories box.


Would I just need to open the left_column.php and remove require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'information.php'); and add it to the right_column.php file?


Also, is there a way to arrange how the links in the information box appear? Can I move the Shipping to the bottom and move the Conditions of Use to the top?


Thanks much for your help!


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To edit a particular infobox,

1) backup

2) find the box you want in catalog/includes/boxes/ (i.e. catalog/includes/boxes/information.php)

3) rearrange / add / delete links in the box to suit your preference.



Yes, to move the "information" infobox from the left to the right column, you'd just move that line of code from column_left.php to column_right.php.


There is a contribution, InfoBox Admin if I remember correctly, that once installed, allows you to enable/disable/move infoboxes quite easily from the osC Admin. It does not provide easier editing of the infobox contents.





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Thanks Jared,


I've downloaded the Infobox Admin, and am very excited about it, BUT (don't you hate those??) I have to import a file to the phpMyAdmin, and unfortunately my hosting company runs phpMyAdmin 2.6.3 pl1 and I cannot for the life of me find an import button. There is an export but that's all I'm seeing.


I've written to my contact and so far no response. Looking at changing hosting companies also!




To edit a particular infobox,

1) backup

2) find the box you want in catalog/includes/boxes/ (i.e. catalog/includes/boxes/information.php)

3) rearrange / add / delete links in the box to suit your preference.

Yes, to move the "information" infobox from the left to the right column, you'd just move that line of code from column_left.php to column_right.php.


There is a contribution, InfoBox Admin if I remember correctly, that once installed, allows you to enable/disable/move infoboxes quite easily from the osC Admin. It does not provide easier editing of the infobox contents.





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You don't have to "import" it, there is probably an SQL link near in the left frame as well as in the top of the right frame once you're browsing your database.


You can copy and paste the SQL statements from the contribution into that SQL window in phpMyAdmin and run them that way.


There is also this: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...rch,SQL+Updater

contrib that gives you the ability to run SQL statements from the osC Admin. I haven't tried it, but it looks promising.



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Jared, thank you thank you thank you! I had no idea anything like this SQL Updater existed! It worked perfectly!




You don't have to "import" it, there is probably an SQL link near in the left frame as well as in the top of the right frame once you're browsing your database.


You can copy and paste the SQL statements from the contribution into that SQL window in phpMyAdmin and run them that way.


There is also this: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...rch,SQL+Updater

contrib that gives you the ability to run SQL statements from the osC Admin. I haven't tried it, but it looks promising.



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