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Setup yet extremely slow


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Okay, I have osc installed yet it is VERY SLOW... sometimes it will even timeout. I have my own dedicated server, yet I do run about 40-50 other sites on it as well under different ip's and accounts...


So, my question is what am I doing wrong? Should I be using the cache? Use file instead of db?


I cannot figure out what I have done that is causing it to be sooo slow. I run phpbb on another site and no problems and quite quick so I can't imagine why this would be soo slow.


Any ideas guys?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the same boat. The other sites PHP/MySQL that run off this server are quick as a whip but for some reason the OSC install (my first) is sloooow. No clue as to why. I've not gotten timeout errors or anything as you have but page load times are lengthy for sure (20-30seconds sometimes?)



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