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Amazon Affiliate Installation problems


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Recently, I installed the Amazon script to allow visitors to search and buy from Amazon through my OsCommerce installation. However, once I have gone through the installation steps, it would appear that a file named amazon.php which belongs in the includes/modules directory is missing. Anybody know where I can get this file? I think I've done everything else properly so, this is the last step to make the addition fully functional.




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Recently, I installed the Amazon script to allow visitors to search and buy from Amazon through my OsCommerce installation. However, once I have gone through the installation steps, it would appear that a file named amazon.php which belongs in the includes/modules directory is missing. Anybody know where I can get this file? I think I've done everything else properly so, this is the last step to make the addition fully functional.







Which contribution should this be ?




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It is the one that is just called Amazon when you do a search in Contributions. It was created on Nov 6 2004 by D Brown and the description says:


This gives the ability to display amazon.com on your website. Very easy to install.




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It is the one that is just called Amazon when you do a search in Contributions. It was created on Nov 6 2004 by D Brown and the description says:


This gives the ability to display amazon.com on your website. Very easy to install.






Are you sure it is the one from D. Brown (this one) as that seems to have all the files with it (and no reference to includes/modules at all) ?!

I found another one though which looks very similar here from M. Zacher. This last one does need additional files plus refers to the modules directory. However it also wants some things which are not allowed and the contribution will be removed. If you mixed the two please only use the first one made by D. Brown !

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Are you sure it is the one from D. Brown (this one) as that seems to have all the files with it (and no reference to includes/modules at all) ?!

I found another one though which looks very similar here from M. Zacher. This last one does need additional files plus refers to the modules directory. However it also wants some things which are not allowed and the contribution will be removed. If you mixed the two please only use the first one made by D. Brown !



Thank you so much. Yes, this is the one that I used but it is my son-in-law/webmaster who is setting it up for me. I'll pass along your message to him and ask him to try again. Many, many thanks for your time!

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