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The e-commerce.

Mass upload of store items


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I am new to the forum, I am trying to set up my store and was wondering if there is a way to upload store items. I have over 1000 items that is becoming very time consuming entering all of the attributes. Most of my items have about 10 different sizes that need to be keyed individually...is there a faster way????

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There are 3 contribs that may help you out.


1. Easy Populate

2. Attributes Plus

3. Multi Products Manager


Go to the "Contributions" section and do a search on those words.




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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I am new to the forum, I am trying to set up my store and was wondering if there is a way to upload store items. I have over 1000 items that is becoming very time consuming entering all of the attributes. Most of my items have about 10 different sizes that need to be keyed individually...is there a faster way????


Yeah there is, if all your products attributes has the same products attributes of the store you wanted to set up.


Looking forward to hear from you soon.



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