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The e-commerce.

Not completing European transactions


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My store is based out of the USA. Until 4 days ago when I received an international order the customers selected a payment option for "invoice". I then calculated the shipping cost and sent them a Paypal invoice for the total amount. This seemed to work pretty well. The only reason I did this was because we were using the flat rate based shipping option and since international orders cost much more to ship. We didn't have the USPS shipping option enabled.


However, 4 days ago I thought that I'd make life easier on our international customers and enable USPS shipping (which involved weighing over 900 products) and allow Europeans to pay via credit card using the cc.php module just like our domestic customers do. During test checkouts (as a customer from the UK) everything seems to be working perfectly. However, we've had 5 customers from the UK register accounts within 4 days and all bailed prior to checkout.


I'm trying to figure out why they keep bailing while before when checkout was more difficult they stayed?


Do European credit cards work differently than American cards? Do they have more or less numbers? Europeans do use Visa, and Mastercard right? The stock cc.php work with them right?


Thanks, and a prosperous New Year to us all!

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