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checkout problems


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Hi there,


I use the "cash on delivery" module to test the checkout process.


Here is my problem:


After a test purchase (by using the cash on delivery option), the confirmation page freezes and it never goes to the order success page. Instead, it gives this error:


"CGI Timeout. The specified CGI application exceeded the allowed time for processing. The server has deleted the process."


I guess something goes wrong in the /catalog/checkout_process.php page.


How can I fix this error?


Please feel free to make several test purchases (sometimes the first purchase attempt succeeds but the following ones fail all the time). The URL is http://www.citaras.com/catalog/index.php.


Thank you for your help.

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Your problem is your hosting (PowWeb by any chance?), which is running osCommerce via the cgi bin as a cgi executable. You can't control (as far as I am aware) the timeout on cgi processes unless you have root access to the server.



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Contact your hosting company and ask if they can modify the timeout for you by a few seconds or so. Also, let them know you're using the oscommerce. They may be understanding more if you mention it. If you have to, tell them what contrib you're using.




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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Your problem is your hosting (PowWeb by any chance?), which is running osCommerce via the cgi bin as a cgi executable. You can't control (as far as I am aware) the timeout on cgi processes unless you have root access to the server.




This CGI Timout error happens approximately 2 minutes after I clicked the "confirm" button. Do you still think it is caused by a short timeout setting?


Could there be any other problem?



Thanks for the support




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