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Order update e-mails


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Where can i find the code to edit the e-mail sent to a customer when an orders status is updated ?

The code that sends the email is located in admin/orders.php around line 52 (stock file) and looks like this:

			tep_mail($check_status['customers_name'], $check_status['customers_email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);

I believe what you are looking for is the sprintf(EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE, $orders_status_array[$status]) which is located just above it and is defined in the language file like this in admin/includes/languages/english/orders.php:

define('EMAIL_TEXT_STATUS_UPDATE', 'Your order has been updated to the following status.' . "\n\n" . 'New status: %s' . "\n\n" . 'Please reply to this email if you have any questions.' . "\n");

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