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The e-commerce.

Ready and Live ;-) CD-Shop


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hello together.


I have created a CD-Shop for used and new CDs and the Shop is productiv now :rolleyes:

The 1st version only is in german.

My next Work will be, new Images instead the original Images from OSC.

I know, it would look better when there are Images of the CD-Covers, but

it is a lot of work to scan the Covers.

The second Work, i will insert a call to freeDB and i will show the Songs of the marked CD

in a special Window.


You can have a look to the Shop: www.cd-markt-online.de (it is a productive Shop)


Please give me a Feedback, because i know that the Shop is not a "perfect" Shop :blush:


At this Place, many many thanks to all People, osCommerce Developer, Developer of such

a lot of Contributions and the User of the Forum, because it is a very good Community :thumbsup:



Norbert from Franken

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1) Whats with the splash page?? Ditch that...



2) NO SSL - You need to protect your customer data using a digital certificate. Without one you are not really showing your customers how important security is and are risking their personal information.



3) 1133 Zugriffe seit Thursday, 01. December 2005


Do you really need that in the footer? I doubt your customers would care how many page visits you have had.





Over all its pretty stock looking which is why you havent got much of a response from the community.


I wish I could read it...


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  • 4 months later...

It's a good concept but as previously suggested, the downloads websites should have audio or visual samples too..


I think the silver background infobox images don't do much to flatter the site, maybe a different colour will be better?

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I like the white/silver theme you've got on the site. I think it looks smart and uncluttered, but you've got a problem with the header. The header is a fixed width but the rest of the site isn't, so on my 19" screen the header only covers about 80% of the screen width whereas the rest of the site expands to the full width.


An ssl cert is a must, as others have mentioned, and if you are offering downloads then you need Downloads Controller and Master Products installed.



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