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The e-commerce.

Modify creation date for a product


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This is an idea.


Download the table you want to modify, open in Excel, make the changes, save it, then exit.. Upload your modified table.


BTW, that's what I done before. You never know until you check, but there may be a contrib that does it already.. and I wouldn't be surprised.



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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Unless there is a contrib to do it for you, your only option is to use the phpmyadmin. Also, I don't know of any control panels that allow you to directly access your database. I'm not saying ther's none out there, but I've never saw one, never even heard of one either.... That would be sweet.



"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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