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Adding fields to orders.php


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Hey guys, gonna try my best to explain what i need to do but have failed to figure out a way for after 4 days.


I have these three fields in my mysql database table PRODUCTS


Account Name

Account Password

Character Name


they are all text entities that i enter on my own when creating a product for my own personal use.


I would like these three fields to show up to the right of the Product Model when listing the products purchased.


If I've explained what I'm seeking to do with too much complication please just say so and I'll try and clear it up as best as I can.


Any help is appreciated, I can't seem to figure out how to get these datafields to show.


I think it's because i'm not calling the database in the file, because i can call any field from the ORDERS table, but when i try to call the three fields i have added to the PRODUCTS table, i can't.


So please, try and lend a helping hand :).


Thank you for your views/support in advance!

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I think you have to load the products database up in orders.php


how would i go about doing that?


making the information in the products table in mysql accessable as information to pull from in orders.php


so far i'm sure the only mysql information accessable in orders.php is that information from any of the orders or orders_ tables in mysql.


Anyone know the code line?

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