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Just wanted to say hi. We have an online store and we are looking into using a new script. This script looks like it might work out for us.


With the thousands of threads on this board I will do quite a bit of reading before asking too many stupid questions :D


In general is everyone pretty happy with the osCommerce script?




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I am very happy with osCommerce. In my opinion it is one of the best, if not the best, carts available. One of the big advantages is the extensibility. With over 3000 contributions (modifications contributed by the community to add or change features). And if you don't find the feature you need there, then the source code is open and you can modify it yourself or hire a freelance php programmer to do it for you.


Beyond the code, one of the biggest strengths of osCommerce is the active user community in these forums. There are a lot of great people here that can help you out when you need it. And just about every problem that you might run into has already been discussed. If you don't find the answer already discussed, post your question as clearly and with as much descriptive info as possible and most of the time someone will be able to help you out very soon, often within minutes.


To help you get the most out of the forums potential to help you, I encourage you to spend a minute reading the advanced usage help on the forum search page. Another useful searching technique is to use Google with the domain filter set to www.oscommerce.com/forums.


Another powerful resource for helping you get started is the osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Documentation. It is important to note the difference between this documentation and the Knowledge Base which is written towards supporting the next milestone release. Much of the info is the same, but some of it isn't and the screen shots won't match.


Yet another very important resource that can help you accomplish what you want to with your store is the Contributions section. In that section you will find almost 3000 "contributions" that add special features and capabilities. And support for those contributions can usually be found in the Contribution Support channel of these forums.

Rule #1: Without exception, backup your database and files before making any changes to your files or database.

Rule #2: Make sure there are no exceptions to Rule #1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
In general is everyone pretty happy with the osCommerce script?






I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I love it, I can't get enough of it. The amazing thing is, it's all free... don't be afraid to jump right in an get your feet wet.



"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"

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Ray, yes it is possible (just setting up the default store through the cpanel installer) but to create a very effective well designed store you most know html and php.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ray, yes it is possible (just setting up the default store through the cpanel installer) but to create a very effective well designed store you most know html and php.


I'm a novice web designer...I've done a few sites...all html though, and wanting to use OsCommerce for a site I'm building for my neighbor...I have absolutely no knowledge of php...how hard will this be to set up, and can I set it up within the existing site I already have, or do I have to work off of the default OsCommerce design? Thanks.

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I'm a novice web designer...I've done a few sites...all html though, and wanting to use OsCommerce for a site I'm building for my neighbor...I have absolutely no knowledge of php...how hard will this be to set up, and can I set it up within the existing site I already have, or do I have to work off of the default OsCommerce design? Thanks.


osCommerce is designed to be a fully functioning site. If you install it to the default "catalog" folder, it can coexist with the main site and you can put a link to it in the main site's menubar (i.e. "Merchandise" or "Our Store", etc.). I have read posts in which a couple of people have mentioned using osCommerce as a backend and writing code in the main site to utilize it's funcitons. But I am reasonably certain that would require significant PHP knowledge.


You may want to look into these contributions:


Basic Template Structure v0.9


Simple Template System (STS)


I haven't used them personally but they are quite popular. One word of caution, template systems can make adding other contributions more complicated.


If you are doing website development as more than a hobby, you may want to take some time to add PHP to your repretoire of skills. Since you already know html, you are half way there.



Rule #1: Without exception, backup your database and files before making any changes to your files or database.

Rule #2: Make sure there are no exceptions to Rule #1.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can someone who has never done web design work this os commerce?



Hi I am new here as well. I have done very little if not no programming and I have been able to set up an online store without to many dramas. I have aslo installed some of the modules from the contributers sections - thanks to all the contributers out there. To purchase a store to all I want would have cost quite a lot of money.


Seeing that I am a operating small business and the online store is just testing the waters in would have not been worth forking out $$$$'s for software just to trial an online store. The expansive packages don't have the flexibility of OsCommerce.


Just one more thing. I am looking for a newbies guide to data base modifying. I only need to know enough to add modules.




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