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Installation Step 4 - Table configuration does not exist


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I have been stuck on this error message for 3 days, and need to know what exactly it is that this program needs. The error message states: "If you require help with your database server settings, please consult your hosting company."


Well, I have been fighting with GoDaddy to provide some asnwers, but all I get is the runaround. Please advise me what exactly I need to ask them to provide, and if more infromation from me is needed, please don't hesitate to ask.


Here if what I have done so far-

In step 3 I entered this:

Database Server: mysql85.secureserver.net

Username: NakorroDB

Password: *********

Database Name: NakorroDB

PErsitent Connection: Yes

Session Storege: Database

-- result: The database import was succesful!


In step 4 I entered the following, into my GoDaddy server:

WWW Address: http://www.nakorro.com/catalog

Web Server Root Directory: d:\hosting\nakorro

HTTP Cookie Domain: nakorro.com

HTTP Cookie Path: /catalog/

Enable SSL Connection: No (can I do this later, say in a week?)

--result: error: Table 'NakorroDB.configuration' doesn't exist... click back to review your database server settings...and/or consult your hosting company.


I do not always understand the oSC PDF documentation, its a bit vague, and could use some more explanations. My server is using Windows, by the way.




After this I getthe error noted above. PLEEEASE HELP!

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