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I have set up so that Free Shipping is offered on orders over $100, but when this option is on the normal shipping rates are no longer displayed.


I want it to show free shipping within the USA, this i have done, but i want it to show the normal rates as well just in case anyone wants to pay for quicker shipping.


can someone tell me what i have to change so this works

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I have set up so that Free Shipping is offered on orders over $100, but when this option is on the normal shipping rates are no longer displayed.


I want it to show free shipping within the USA, this i have done, but i want it to show the normal rates as well just in case anyone wants to pay for quicker shipping.


can someone tell me what i have to change so this works

You need to use a free shipment shipping module which does not surpress the other shipping methods.

I.e. this is a good one.

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You need to use a free shipment shipping module which does not surpress the other shipping methods.

I.e. this is a good one.


Hi Thanks for that, i have installed it, but it allows free shipping to all. in the admin section under the Modules/Order Total there is a section Shipping, in here you can select only National or international or both. which bit should i copy to the free shipping bit to allow only national.


Thanks in advance

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Hi Thanks for that, i have installed it, but it allows free shipping to all. in the admin section under the Modules/Order Total there is a section Shipping, in here you can select only National or international or both. which bit should i copy to the free shipping bit to allow only national.


Thanks in advance

With the contrib you can have a zone to which free shipment is restricted. The zone you can define under Tax Zones and afterwards use with the Freeamount module.

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With the contrib you can have a zone to which free shipment is restricted. The zone you can define under Tax Zones and afterwards use with the Freeamount module.



Thanks works great, i was just looking at the other contribs you had listed, i have installed the top 5 counties, works great, but i dont want it on the from screen i want it under the Customers section in admin. I have tried to copy and paste the code, but not getting anywhere,, your help is appreciated.

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Thanks works great, i was just looking at the other contribs you had listed, i have installed the top 5 counties, works great, but i dont want it on the from screen i want it under the Customers section in admin. I have tried to copy and paste the code, but not getting anywhere,, your help is appreciated.




That will depend a bit on how you want to have it. I assume with a seperate link and the output on a new page but maybe you wanted it to incorporate somewhere ?!




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That will depend a bit on how you want to have it. I assume with a seperate link and the output on a new page but maybe you wanted it to incorporate somewhere ?!





Hi howard, thanks for getting back to me, yes i would like to have it disply on the customers page under the admin section just below where it says Number of reviews on the right hand side

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Hi howard, thanks for getting back to me, yes i would like to have it disply on the customers page under the admin section just below where it says Number of reviews on the right hand side

But that is for customer specific information !? The Top 5 is an overall picture for all your customers and it would show a bit strange on that spot, besides the fact you don't want to do the same query all the time when the output will be the same anyway.

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But that is for customer specific information !? The Top 5 is an overall picture for all your customers and it would show a bit strange on that spot, besides the fact you don't want to do the same query all the time when the output will be the same anyway.


I want to be able to see the top 5 list within admin, not on the main store, this info is for the admin only

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yes, but that right box information is for one customer specific, top 5 countries & cities isn't.



Oh i see,, yes sorry, i see what your saying.. i guess then i would need it under the Reports section.

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Oh i see,, yes sorry, i see what your saying.. i guess then i would need it under the Reports section.


I've taking a quick look and as for the code needed you can use this block:

			// Get the country and city information from the default address for each customer found
			//$top5_countries = TEXT_COUNTRIES_INFOTOPLIST;
			//$top5_cities = TEXT_CITIES_INFOTOPLIST;
			$top5_countries = '';
			$top5_cities = '';
			$check_topcountries_query = tep_db_query("SELECT b.entry_country_id,
														COUNT(b.entry_country_id ) AS Countries	FROM address_book AS b, customers AS a	WHERE b.customers_id = a.customers_id	AND b.address_book_id = a.customers_default_address_id GROUP BY b.entry_country_id ORDER BY Countries DESC LIMIT 5");

			while ($check_topcountries = tep_db_fetch_array($check_topcountries_query)) {
				$top5_countries .= '<br>' . tep_get_country_name($check_topcountries['entry_country_id']);

			$top5_countries .= '<br><br>';

			$check_topcities_query = tep_db_query("SELECT b.entry_city,
													COUNT(b.entry_city ) AS Cities FROM address_book AS b, customers AS a WHERE b.customers_id = a.customers_id	AND b.address_book_id = a.customers_default_address_id GROUP BY b.entry_city ORDER BY Cities DESC LIMIT 5");

			while ($check_topcities = tep_db_fetch_array($check_topcities_query)) {
				$top5_cities .= '<br>' . $check_topcities['entry_city'];
			$top5_cities .= '<br><br>';
			echo '<SPAN class="smallText">Top 5 Countries: ' . $top5_countries . 'Top 5 Cities: ' . $top5_cities . '</SPAN>';

In principle you can put this on your admin/customers page where you like, ie. instead of putting it inside the right hand box you could put it in the top.


If you search for

 } else {
	<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
	  <tr><?php echo tep_draw_form('search', FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, '', 'get'); ?>
		<td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?></td>

and change that to

 } else {
	<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
	  <tr><?php echo tep_draw_form('search', FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, '', 'get'); ?>
		<td class="pageHeading"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?>

			// Get the country and city information from the default address for each customer found
			//$top5_countries = TEXT_COUNTRIES_INFOTOPLIST;
			//$top5_cities = TEXT_CITIES_INFOTOPLIST;
			$top5_countries = '';
			$top5_cities = '';
			$check_topcountries_query = tep_db_query("SELECT b.entry_country_id,
														COUNT(b.entry_country_id ) AS Countries	FROM address_book AS b, customers AS a	WHERE b.customers_id = a.customers_id	AND b.address_book_id = a.customers_default_address_id GROUP BY b.entry_country_id ORDER BY Countries DESC LIMIT 5");

			while ($check_topcountries = tep_db_fetch_array($check_topcountries_query)) {
				$top5_countries .= '<br>' . tep_get_country_name($check_topcountries['entry_country_id']);

			$top5_countries .= '<br><br>';

			$check_topcities_query = tep_db_query("SELECT b.entry_city,
													COUNT(b.entry_city ) AS Cities FROM address_book AS b, customers AS a WHERE b.customers_id = a.customers_id	AND b.address_book_id = a.customers_default_address_id GROUP BY b.entry_city ORDER BY Cities DESC LIMIT 5");

			while ($check_topcities = tep_db_fetch_array($check_topcities_query)) {
				$top5_cities .= '<br>' . $check_topcities['entry_city'];
			$top5_cities .= '<br><br>';
			echo '<SPAN class="smallText">Top 5 Countries: ' . $top5_countries . 'Top 5 Cities: ' . $top5_cities . '</SPAN>';


you have the information at hand with your customers anyway. It still refreshes with every click on a differetn customer name but it's not a heavy query. The layout is not optimal this way but that's changeable easy enough. You can always put it under a seperate link if it's getting irritating this way.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello -


I have tried to find any suggestions for using Freeamount 3.5b shipping module for use with the lower 48 states in the U.S. not including Hawaii and Alaska. I've tried to test by changing U.S. Zones example: California - I named it US48 but left the abbreviation CA in tact. Then I went to the Freeamount 3.5b Module in the admin panel. Placed the shipping zone within the module to US48, tried ordering from a California address, but the free shipping didn't come up on the page where you pick the shipping method. If you have any suggestions for this. I'd much appreciate this very much.


Many thanks -



Just when you knew all life's answers; Someone had to go and change all the questions!

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