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Error on My Account and Checkout in header


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I have just tried to install Paypal IPN and got an error when logging into my account or clicking on My Account or Checkout icons as follows:


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/cumfybum/public_html/cumfyshop/includes/application_top.php:1142) in /home/cumfybum/public_html/cumfyshop/includes/functions/general.php on line 65


However, it did actually log in - and once it is logged in the My Account icon works.


I had backed up all my files, so I restored to before the Paypal edits but I am still getting the error - as far as I can tell I now have the system as it was before I started trying to install the contrib (except for the DB changes and the new files that were added which I haven't deleted off the server).


It may be possible this error already existed - but I wouldn't have thought so as customers would surely have told me?


I need to get this fixed ASAP. Any ideas? I've looked in the two files mentioned - but I can't see anything wrong with them - or at least nothing is different to what was there this afternoon when I started this process.


HELP! Please




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