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The e-commerce.

Mass Adding/Changing attributes/price etc.


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I have an online T Shirt shop, and i have been going for around a year. During this time i have been expanding, adding new colour T Shirts. I have over 200 products, but i have problems when i expend as if i get a new size or colour for example (the product attribute) i would have to go and edit and change EVERY product one by one. This seems to be the case for everything, such as price. The majority of my T shirts go for the same price, so i am wondering:


How can i add an attribute to all products at once (i.e. new size/colour etc.)

How can i modify the price of all products at once

How can i modify all products weight to a figure, and just in general is there a faster way of changing/adding/removing things other than doing each one; one by one.


I am guessing you must be able to do this, because there will be prople with alot more products than me.


Any help is apreciated,

thanks :)

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Thanks very much, i have had a look at that and it looks like it will make my life easier :)


However there is no attribute option? I want to be able to add a new attribute and apply it to all products if you know what i mean :s


Is there a contribution which can do this? In my size attribute (value) i want to add "lady fit small; Lady fit medium; lady fit large" or have a new attribute "T Shirt style" and have a choice of Unisex and Lady fit. How can i go about doing this? I really dont want to have to add them all one by one; supposing i start doing a new colour T shirt (which i have in the past) i would have to add it one by one again :(

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This is what you're looking for:




"What I didn't know yesterday, I know today & will remember tomorrow"

(By Kwalker)


What do you see when you open up the tep_database-pr2.2-CVS.pdf file that came with your osCommerce download?

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This is what you're looking for:




thanks :)


I have been trying to use Easy populate, i have downloaded the txt file and changed what i wanted in excel. However reading the readme.txt file says i have to give all products a unique model number. Currently all my products have no model number; So if i give all the products a model number and upload the EP file they are seen as new prodcuts and instead of modifying them i get new ones.

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