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Removing not needed columns in customer table in admin


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Can anybody help me? Have tried for hours but cannot figure out which code to edit and how. Guess it is in the customers.php file but can't find it.

I installed the contribution "Customers List Improved". Just what I needed, but since I'm from norway and only having norwegian customers, the table has more columns than I need, and it would be great to have that extra space for the information that I do need:-)


These are the columns I want to disable (preferable temporarily):

Date of birth



And also these fields (only need city):


Zip Code


If this is possible, it would be great:-)))

Thanks for the contribution, by the way:-)


Best regards


Best regards


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YOu can turn off date some in Admin Configuration Customers.


Also there is a contribution that lets you control some more.


Hi, thank you fopr answering, not sure I understood what you ment. Sorry. It's the customers table you get when you go to administration-Customers (not admin-config-customers). Don't know what will work, but here is two links to show what I mean:






As you can see, there are one column for date of birth and one for state/province. These I want to remove to get better space to the other columns. Also there are "none" fields. These are the country, zipcode and city. I only need city.


Hope this is good enough explanation.

I could not find any options to turn on/off these fields. Sorry if I misunderstand you though:-)


You know how to do this?




Best regards


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