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Add new field in excisting database table


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I'm installing the contribution "Customers list improved". In the readme file it says:


Add customers_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table. Suggested size is 128.


There is no sql-file attatched in the package.

Somebody how can tell me how to do this?


Thank you:-)))


Best regards


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I'm installing the contribution "Customers list improved". In the readme file it says:


Add customers_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table. Suggested size is 128.


There is no sql-file attatched in the package.

Somebody how can tell me how to do this?


Thank you:-)))



Nevermind, got it:-)))


Best regards


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I'm installing the contribution "Customers list improved". In the readme file it says:


Add customers_notes field to your SQL database in the customer table. Suggested size is 128.


There is no sql-file attatched in the package.

Somebody how can tell me how to do this?


Thank you:-)))



Click on the customer table within phpMyAdmin, then click on the link for "structure". You'll see a list of the table's columns. At the bottom of that list is some text that says something along the lines of "Add __ fields" then some radio buttons, and a "Go" button. It should already default to 1 but if it doesn't enter 1 where I indicated the __ , then click go.


On the next page, enter the field name, the type (in this case likely varchar), then the length. Click the save button at the bottom and you are done.


Be well,


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Teach a person to fish rather than give them a loaf of bread or however that saying goes.

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Click on the customer table within phpMyAdmin, then click on the link for "structure". You'll see a list of the table's columns. At the bottom of that list is some text that says something along the lines of "Add __ fields" then some radio buttons, and a "Go" button. It should already default to 1 but if it doesn't enter 1 where I indicated the __ , then click go.


On the next page, enter the field name, the type (in this case likely varchar), then the length. Click the save button at the bottom and you are done.


Be well,



Thank you Tina:-)))

Best regards


Best regards


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