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Can Paypal be used from witin osCommerce


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Hi all,


Does anyone have know if there is away to use paypal from within osCommerce. What I mean by this is, the user would basically interface with paypal through your site. That way they would not face the possible confusion of leaving your site to pay and then having to remember to return to your site.


I understand that this may not be an issue if you use IPN, but if your product is a digital download for example, then the customer has to return to your site to download their product.


Thanks for any replies,



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Hi all,


Does anyone have know if there is away to use paypal from within osCommerce. What I mean by this is, the user would basically interface with paypal through your site. That way they would not face the possible confusion of leaving your site to pay and then having to remember to return to your site.


I understand that this may not be an issue if you use IPN, but if your product is a digital download for example, then the customer has to return to your site to download their product.


Thanks for any replies,




have you done a search? there are hundreds if not thousands of posts already covering this issue including contributions to do exactly what you are asking.

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Yes, I did do a search on "paypal integration" The results were not what I was looking for.






Did you look for the Paypal WPP contributions ? With that customers will stay on your site but I believe it is, for now, only available to US based members.

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The only way to do it is with Paypal Web Payments Pro. However, as mentioned, your site must be a US based site, although Paypal said this will change. But more importantly, it is not free. There is a monthly charge of around $20 plus a percentage of each sale.



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