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Remove manufacturers drop down box on product page

Steven Barkess

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I want to remove the manufacturers drop down box on my product pages, that appears at the top, next to Lets see what we have here. I dont see the point of having it there when it also appears on the left hand side of the page.


I have tried to comment out the manufacturers_id parts in /catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php but it just wont budge.


What do I need to do to remove the box?





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I want to remove the manufacturers drop down box on my product pages, that appears at the top, next to Lets see what we have here. I dont see the point of having it there when it also appears on the left hand side of the page.


I have tried to comment out the manufacturers_id parts in /catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php but it just wont budge.


What do I need to do to remove the box?





If you mean the drop down on top of the product listing pages when you have choosen a manufacturer or if there are products with manufacturers for that category than you can disable that through your admin->configuration->product listing and set the option Display Category/Manufacturer Filter to 0 (= disable).

It's not always the same as your left column Manufacturers box though ! If you have products with manufacturers spread over different (sub)categories this extra box will give the customer the chance to decrease the view to that particular (sub)category.

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