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How to Modify Cart Look


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I like to know what files I have to modify or if there are templates that I can use to make the cart look like what I have already in the web site.


I'm currently using Dansie Cart on our web site. Due to our requirements the Dansie cart cannot accomplish our current needs and uses a structure that creates more of a problem than a solution. Our web site is going to be offering live music downloads. Dansie Cart requires that I create several directory structure for everysone that I want to protect. This is not acceptable cause every unix OS or even Windows has a total path size limitation it can handle.


So with that in mind I need to understand how I can modify this cart. The documentation that was sent was ok it was not very well documented in terms of instructions on how to modify the cart and what files are involved.


I'm pretty savy with HTML although I have some learning curve with PHP to do. Any help in understanding how this be accomplished would be appreciated.



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I like to know what files I have to modify or if there are templates that I can use to make the cart look like what I have already in the web site.


I'm currently using Dansie Cart on our web site. Due to our requirements the Dansie cart cannot accomplish our current needs and uses a structure that creates more of a problem than a solution. Our web site is going to be offering live music downloads. Dansie Cart requires that I create several directory structure for everysone that I want to protect. This is not acceptable cause every unix OS or even Windows has a total path size limitation it can handle.


So with that in mind I need to understand how I can modify this cart. The documentation that was sent was ok it was not very well documented in terms of instructions on how to modify the cart and what files are involved.


I'm pretty savy with HTML although I have some learning curve with PHP to do. Any help in understanding how this be accomplished would be appreciated.





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