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Sales Tax for Multiple States


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I am needing to charge a different sales tax for each state on a web site for a client with retail outlets in multiple states. I have been searching the forum, and cannot find a way to do this. I have Zones and Tax rates set up for each state. Right now, upon checkout, the tax is not appearing for any state except for the one designated in the Configuration, Zone. That drop-down menu does not give an option for ALL Zones.


How can I get the tax rate to change according to the state? Please help!


Thank you. :blink:

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I have set up something like this. First you need to set up different tax zones under the locations tab in the admincontrol panel. You will need a different zone for each area you need a different tax for. Then you need to create different tax rates and assign them to the appropiate tax zone. That's what I did and it seems to be working.


You also need to be sure your products are classified as taxable goods.

Backup before making changes. Backup before making changes! Backup before making changes!!


You did do a backup? eh?

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