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After running this



INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Purchase without account', 'PURCHASE_WITHOUT_ACCOUNT', 'yes', 'Do you allow Customers to purchase without an account?', '5', '10', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'no\', \'yes\'), ', now());


With my phpmyadmin all of the pictures and formatting of my shop are completely gone. Its just a blank page with no pictures,frames,boxes,background colors just links! :blink: What could I have done wrong?! The site is here

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It's not likely that this SQL statement has caused that. It's more likely that a change you made while installing PWA has caused this. Check the recently changes you made, probably either something in includes/configure.php or includes/application_top.php


Looking at your site, it looks like you may have changed your URL in configure.php from http://qualityspores.com/shop to https://qualityspores.com/shop/


Your logo is at http://qualityspores.com/shop/images/oscommerce.gif, but is trying to be shown on your main page from https://qualityspores.com/shop/images/oscommerce.gif



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Ok, I just went to my cpanel and deleted the entire Oscommerce program and my mysql database for it. I reinstalled everything and am still having this problem.Also in my oscommerce admin area it is now saying I am "secured by an unknown source" where it tells if you are under an SSL cert or not. Well I dont have one of these certs so wtf is goin on?!?! I deleted oscommerce and syq database again and dont wanna try and install it again till I figure this out. Can someone help me please?! :)

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You may have SSL enabled with that default cPanel install. Check in includes/configure.php to make sure that SSL is disabled if you don't want it.



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