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WTK: Credit Card payment option question


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I will be adding a credit card payment option (Authorize.net) to my OSc store shortly. I would prefer it if the system did not charge the customer until I have shipped their order. Can this be done? Is there a way not to charge the customer until the product is shipped?

thanks in advance.

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I am planning to do something similar in my phase 2. I have an authorize.net merchant account as well, and I use their virtual terminal for my phone orders. For my phase 1 ecommerce setup I intend to not let osC charge the credit card at all, since I don't have a proper stock-checking system yet, and don't want the customer to be charged unless I know I have the products. I will get notification emails, retrieve the order details and use the virtual terminal to manually process the order, so I'm not using osC's payment processing at all. Perhaps this could be an option for you.


Otherwise, I'm still an ultra-newbie at osC, but this it my plan for phase 2 ... find the code that calls the payment processing routine (should be in catalog/checkout_confirmation.php) and prevent it from doing so. Then, find the code that handles the order status change (Pending, Processing, Shipped, etc) and modify that to call the payment processing routine when the status is changed to "shipped" and the "update" button is clicked. That should be in orders.php.


However, I intend to create another status called "Packaged" or something. When I change it to this, it will kick off the payment processing and I will mark it as "shipped" only when the CC has been approved and it has actually shipped.




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