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Product Attributes - anyway to sort them?


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Okay, in the process of tweaking out my new store and came across this problem. I added a shirt with the product attribute size and about 10 size options. I ran into two problems :


1 - It appears there is a certain length of the amount of options in the dropdown box as I could not enter in all my fields. I wanted to add kids small, kids medium, kids large, small, medium, large, xlarge, 2xlarge, 3xlarge, 4xlarge... but the listing would not show all of them.


2 - The display of the ordering is ridiculous. It isn't alphabetical and it doesn't matter in what order you enter them into the admin.


Sooo, how the heck can I make the options box a certain order and why is there a limit on options!?


Page I am talking about is http://www.petuning.com/store/product_info...&products_id=29

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