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downloads not working


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I have setup the attributes for the downloads, set the download directory to 755 and the pub directory to 777. After the payment is made the download links are there, but after clicking on them, I wait and wait and finally no page (this is when I have download redirect set to false. When I set it to true, the browser switches screens (blank) and nothing happens. The following url is shown




Nothing gets copied into the pub directory.


I'm not sure all that takes place for downloads. I assume that the files get copies to pub and then get deleted once they are downloaded.

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what's the size of the mp3 you're trying to d/l? There is a limit for the php.ini that needs to be set. If the file is over that limit it may explain the problem. You can try splitting the file to chunks.


For the redirect to work use basename around the filename.


And if you d/l over a secure connection you need to setup the headers differently.

header('Pragma: private');
header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');

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what's the size of the mp3 you're trying to d/l? There is a limit for the php.ini that needs to be set. If the file is over that limit it may explain the problem. You can try splitting the file to chunks.


For the redirect to work use basename around the filename.


And if you d/l over a secure connection you need to setup the headers differently.

header('Pragma: private');
header('Cache-control: private, must-revalidate');


Thanks for the reply. The file sizes are 10-15 megs and yes, I am using a secure connection. So based on your input, I'll check out these parameters.


In what file do I find the headers?

And for the redirect, what do you mean by basename - the complete path?

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It's in the catalog/download.php. The basename php function should wrap the $downloads['orders_products_filename'] array element.

I confirmed that it does.


I then installed a fresh OSC on my remote server. I then downloaded the test file (unreal) OK. Then I added one of my own products (an MP3 file of 14 megs) and it would not download, but got the following error.


Safari can?t open the page ?https://host422.ipowerweb.com/~growingt/osCommerce/catalog/download.php?order=1&id=1&osCsid=298065db60f26fcf4caae5074691a035?. The error was: ?lost network connection?



I looked at the PHP.ini file and noticed . .


post_max_size 8M 8M


Could this be the problem?

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yes.. that's probably the culprit


Now my next challenge is to see if my hosting company will modify the file. Are there other parms that need to be changed in the PHP.ini?

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why your hosting company has to modify the ini file? Why don't you put some code to break down the mp3 in smaller chunks so someone can download. What will happen if you gonna have a file of 1GB size?

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