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The e-commerce.

copy function

theman llc

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Has anyone had a mod made for their script that allows the copy and movement of a complete sub-catagorie and all the products in them into another catagorie?


basically if we look at it like a file tree in normal terms a catagorie would be a directory, a sub catagorie would be a sub directory and a product would be a file.


So basically i want to know if someone has had a mod made or knows where i can find one that is already made and accessable to install in os commerce so that i can do the following:


I have 13 catagories in my shop, each one of them has the same 20 sub catagories in them and some of the sub cats have 50 products that will be universal to each corresponding sub cat in all of the directories. so I need to make one complete directory with all 20 sub cats and 50 products in some of the sub cats and copy them over to the other 12 directories. So far I only see where you can really move and link products not copy and move complete sub cats as a whole like I am saying. Honestly if there was just a command that would allow me to replicate the whole directory 12 additional times or by X amount of times that would also work.


Let me know if there is anything out there that will do this either at a cost or for free, I have been paying money for the last 2 years to have modifications done to scripts and it is starting to annoy me. If you have already done this or i am missing a function that is already there let me know, if you have it and want to charge me for it let me know a price, if you can make this mod let me know and we will discuss buying it if the rate is competitive with my normal programmers, if it out there for free on the web let me know and it will be appreciated.


Also looking for a command that will let me "tag" multiple items, sub cat and cats for mass manipulation like delete, move, copy. Kinda like what you have in any pop3 email account (hotmail, yahoo, aol). I want to be able to tag multiple items and delete them all at one time or copy them or move them let me know about that also if you know anything!

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I don't know of any mod for this, but I think the admin interface should allow for moving/copying multiple items much like some Internet mail applications do: by use of a checkbox. Check the products to be moved (or copied or linked) at one time to the same destination, then click MOVE or COPY and voila! That task is done. I think the same can be applied to categories, etc.


Has anyone had a mod made for their script that allows the copy and movement of a complete sub-catagorie and all the products in them into another catagorie?


basically if we look at it like a file tree in normal terms a catagorie would be a directory, a sub catagorie would be a sub directory and a product would be a file.


So basically i want to know if someone has had a mod made or knows where i can find one that is already made and accessable to install in os commerce so that i can do the following:


I have 13 catagories in my shop, each one of them has the same 20 sub catagories in them and some of the sub cats have 50 products that will be universal to each corresponding sub cat in all of the directories. so I need to make one complete directory with all 20 sub cats and 50 products in some of the sub cats and copy them over to the other 12 directories. So far I only see where you can really move and link products not copy and move complete sub cats as a whole like I am saying. Honestly if there was just a command that would allow me to replicate the whole directory 12 additional times or by X amount of times that would also work.


Let me know if there is anything out there that will do this either at a cost or for free, I have been paying money for the last 2 years to have modifications done to scripts and it is starting to annoy me. If you have already done this or i am missing a function that is already there let me know, if you have it and want to charge me for it let me know a price, if you can make this mod let me know and we will discuss buying it if the rate is competitive with my normal programmers, if it out there for free on the web let me know and it will be appreciated.


Also looking for a command that will let me "tag" multiple items, sub cat and cats for mass manipulation like delete, move, copy. Kinda like what you have in any pop3 email account (hotmail, yahoo, aol). I want to be able to tag multiple items and delete them all at one time or copy them or move them let me know about that also if you know anything!

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