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Checkout suddenly not working?


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This afternoon i was busy adding products, i hadn't touched any files at all to do with the checkout procedure.

I made a test purchase and couldn't get past the checkout_shipping.php screen , clicking continue just reloads the page ? Even though , earlier it was working fine and i made a test purchase via paypal.


I asked a freind to check it out for me , and he had the same problem.


The only addition to the checkout procedure was adding the paypal payment option module , i've tried removing that in case , but it still won't proceed past checkout_shipping.php ?.


Also tried forcing cookies..still no joy?


Can anyone think of a reason why it would get stuck in a loop and not get past checkout_shipping ?

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When you run your mouse over the 'continue' button, what URL is it pointing to at the bottom of your browser?


Post a link to your site so we can take a look.

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I'm getting the same thing on www.coralreefbazaar.com except what I figured out is it is something to do with the cart. If I add a single becket skimmer to any order it does this but if you remove the skimmer it works. I then tried it with adding a couple small plumbing parts and it worked fine to see if it was the total number of products in the cart. It worked. I then added 100 of the same product and it failed. When I lowered it to 82 of the same product it worked but if I went to 83 or higher it failed.




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Here is what I found....it was the free shipping module. I was missing my shippng modules only and when you got to the free shipping amout it didn't know how to process it. I fixed the missing shipping modules an it worked fine.


See if you have the free shipping stuff or if you are missing modules.

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