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The e-commerce.

Soon to go live, asking for your input!!


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Very nice looking site. I would change your header... a lot of nothing up there. Smaller chair back, maybe? Otherwise it's very nice.


I really like your site design.


There is a problem though that I am not sure you are aware of. Anytime I go to checkout with something in my cart I get an error "Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch"


Hope that helps,



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Thanks for the thoughtfulness, Marg and Mike. the SSL error is caused by the fact that I've got a third level SSL (shared) domain. I'm using the ForceSSL contrib to make the pages work, and haven't found a workaround for the error message yet.





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I think it looks great, too!


I'm on dial-up and it loaded lightning fast. How did you get those gorgeous photos to load so quickly?


Very nice!

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As for the loading time, I guess the index page is more graphic intensive than image, hopefully not TOO intensive. I used the thumbnail contribution (ONLY) from the starter contribution pack, the only one I could get to work right.


The site is LIVE now, so if any of you stopped by and were interested, the furniture is truly top notch amazing stuff. Happy New Year, all!


If you have more comments, I'd really appreciate hearing from the experts out there! Vger and others... have you stopped by?






PS... I'm still having trouble with shared SSL. Checkout is through PayPal, so that part is OK, but I got errors when I forced SSL... like mike said in post #3. I've tried redirects, but they get caught in loops and time themselves out. Really frustrating!!

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Beautiful design. :)


I'm having to scroll right though -- I'm on Firefox 1.5. Not sure what fixes that (I'm just learning), but (for me personally) I don't usually take the time to scroll.


I noticed your cookies requirement notice. I always allow session cookies from originating sites, so I'm just wondering if that's a big problem? Is that a common requirement when ordering online? Just wondering as I don't think I've ever read that before...


Again, great job. :)

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RE SSL.. your host has a shared SSL cert that is a wild card cert for *.c2.hostexcellence.com


So... make any pages you want in SSL direct to:




...and the certificate should work as it should :)

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Very impressive. Clean, easy on the eyes, appealing, and easy for us dial-up folks.


Question: your category listing.....how did you format that box? I've been everywhere and I can't figure out how you (and others) have redesigned their category listing box to look like that - horizonal line between categories, more spacing between categories etc.

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Great site. You might want to think about adding additional product images though, maybe with a couple more angles of the chairs, or detail images of the quality construction, etc.


Other than that, its great.

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site

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What a top looking site!! Did you use a lot of contributions or coded yourself?







Thanks all for the nice cmeents so far! The site is all contribution based... I didn't know php existed 60 ago. :-" Anyhoo, thanks for the suggestions! I'm going to try and use .htaccess for my redirects instead of my server's redirect feature... too buggy. AND I'm going to see about gettin some more pics up!


PS... Chance... you're post on the things to do to a webstore was the FIRST thing I read on this forum. Was a GREAT guide for a newbie! Thanks, man!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Revisions!! Come see!!


The site has gone through some revisions! Please stop by and let me know what you think!




What I'm most curious about is how the site comes across to the viewer: professional? trusted? competent to do online business? polished? none of the above?


Againg, thankful for this forum and your help!



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Ok everyone, I love Jaysons site. It's definitely top notch. Let me see if anyone can fix my problem. I'm having my checkout process set up just like this site, however I'm running the multi shop feature. The main site works fine, but the other site is having some major problems. There are a lot of variables that are getting lost in this process. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Overall, I like the site.

Cool logo. I would consider splicing it in tables though. Not many people would wait for it all to load. Also, your site looks too dark. i'm not a fan of dark background colors or images. I would experiment with something lighter in color or as close to white as possible.

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