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Cannot upload images


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I have a strange problem in admin with uploading images to my site. This used to work perfectly but now if I try to upload any kind of picture I get message "Warning: No file uploaded". If I add a new category, it gets created ok but no image is uploaded. This same happens with creating new products.


I have checked the file / folder permissions and they are set 777. Can someone please let me know how to fix this issue? Is there some setting in admin that should be changed to allow image uploads?


Thanks in advance!!!

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Your hosting company has probably switched Safe Mode to 'on' in php.ini and turned 'file_uploads' off as a result. You can check this in your osC admin panel, under Tools --> Server Info and do a browser search for 'file_uploads' (without the quotes). If it says that 'file_uploads' is set to off then you'll either have to:


1. If you have access to a local copy of php.ini switch file_uploads to 'on'

2. Place a .htaccess file in the root of your web with this code in it: php_flag file_uploads on

(this may not override your hosts settings in php.ini)

3. Change hosts - because you need file_uploads set to 'on' to be able to run osCommerce.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem as Marko and tried all the things Vger suggests but to no avail. Ihave checked the server and file_uploads is enabled whilst Safe Mode is off. i have a .htaccess file in the root of your web with the code in it: php_flag file_uploads on.


I've emailed the hosts and am waiting for their reply. can upload images maunaul






But in "New Products For January" images loaded through admin don't appear.


Any more advice ?



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Still no joy on this issue and my host is not responding to email or helpline. so does anyone have any ideas ?


thanks if you have



I have the same problem as Marko and tried all the things Vger suggests but to no avail. Ihave checked the server and file_uploads is enabled whilst Safe Mode is off. i have a .htaccess file in the root of your web with the code in it: php_flag file_uploads on.


I've emailed the hosts and am waiting for their reply. can upload images maunaul






But in "New Products For January" images loaded through admin don't appear.


Any more advice ?



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Still no joy on this issue and my host is not responding to email or helpline. so does anyone have any ideas ?


thanks if you have



I have the same issue. PHP info shows not running in safe mode, php upload is on. However, when I sent a request to my hosting company, they solved it. They didn't tell me how did they solve it. I believe it's windows permision issue and can't be solved through cpanel by myself. Hope this help.

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I'm glad yours is working but unless you know exactly what they did I'm still stuck. My lot don't provide "coding" support which means unless you give them a specific problem and practically solve it yourself, they don't want to play ball, simply blaming the software.


But thanks anyway -I'll email this over to them and see what happens.




I have the same issue. PHP info shows not running in safe mode, php upload is on. However, when I sent a request to my hosting company, they solved it. They didn't tell me how did they solve it. I believe it's windows permision issue and can't be solved through cpanel by myself. Hope this help.
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